Well, Happy New Year everyone and I hope it was safe one.
I have wanted to post what I had made for the girls that I work with for Christmas for quite some time but was afraid that one of them would get on my blog and see so I had to wait. Well now I can tell you, they are frames with there last names in them. I had bought a paper stack from DCWV it is called.....The At Home Stack. I used cream colored paper and basic brown ink and an alphabet stamp set from SU. The frames are from Dollar General only $3.00. I used SU flower punches to cut matching paper flowers from the paper stack, I really like how the paper flowers turn out. I really feel the frames turned out super cute. The girls at work thought I worked for ever on them, what dont know wont hurt huh!!! I am going to try to make more time this next year to do more crafting and spend more time in my room. I think I will even try my hand at making some videos. Thanks for your time and looking at my blog. Hugs Kelly
I have wanted to post what I had made for the girls that I work with for Christmas for quite some time but was afraid that one of them would get on my blog and see so I had to wait. Well now I can tell you, they are frames with there last names in them. I had bought a paper stack from DCWV it is called.....The At Home Stack. I used cream colored paper and basic brown ink and an alphabet stamp set from SU. The frames are from Dollar General only $3.00. I used SU flower punches to cut matching paper flowers from the paper stack, I really like how the paper flowers turn out. I really feel the frames turned out super cute. The girls at work thought I worked for ever on them, what dont know wont hurt huh!!! I am going to try to make more time this next year to do more crafting and spend more time in my room. I think I will even try my hand at making some videos. Thanks for your time and looking at my blog. Hugs Kelly
WOW!!! Those frames are totally gorgeous!! Youf friends are very lucky!! I LOVE this project :o)
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